Fondazione Memmo
The Memmo Foundation was founded in 1990 by Roberto Memmo's desire to give life
to a cultural activity aimed at bringing the world of art closer to the general public
through the direct knowledge of masterpieces of all times and of the most varied civilizations. Starting from 2012, a new entirely dedicated exhibition program is active
to the contemporary art scene.
Spirits and Gestures alludes to several pressing issues: the concerns that pervade society, climate change and environmental disasters, accompanied by broader reflections
on the human condition. Cultural syncretism as a consequence of globalization,
together with functioning and the interactions between integrated power systems,
are recurring elements in the Oscar Murillo's research, one of the winners
of the Turner Prize 2019.
The communication system features a typographic system characterized by a hybrid lettering. The linear and laid-back design of some letters it is replaced by gestural and instinctive writings that take inspiration from the incisive signs and brushstrokes that dominate
some of the exhibition's painting.
The Memmo Foundation was founded in 1990 by Roberto Memmo's desire to give life to a cultural activity aimed
at bringing the world of art closer to the general public
through the direct knowledge of masterpieces of all times and of the most varied civilizations. Starting from 2012,
a new entirely dedicated exhibition program is active
to the contemporary art scene.
Spirits and Gestures alludes to several pressing issues:
the concerns that pervade society, climate change
and environmental disasters, accompanied by broader reflections on the human condition. Cultural syncretism
as a consequence of globalization, together with functioning and the interactions between integrated
power systems, are recurring elements in the research
of Oscar Murillo, one of the winners
of the Turner Prize 2019.
The communication system features a typographic system characterized by a hybrid lettering. The linear and laid-back design of some letters it is replaced by gestural
and instinctive writings that take inspiration from the incisive signs and brushstrokes that dominate
some of the exhibition's painting.
The Memmo Foundation was founded in 1990 by Roberto Memmo's desire to give life to a cultural activity aimed at bringing the world of art closer to the general public through the direct knowledge of masterpieces of all times and
of the most varied civilizations. Starting from 2012, a new entirely dedicated exhibition program is active to the contemporary art scene.
Spirits and Gestures alludes to several pressing issues: the concerns that pervade society,
climate change and environmental disasters, accompanied by broader reflections on the human condition. Cultural syncretism
as a consequence of globalization, together
with functioning and the interactions between integrated power systems, are recurring elements in the Oscar Murillo's research, one of the winners
of the Turner Prize 2019.
The communication system features
a typographic system characterized by a hybrid lettering. The linear and laid-back design
of some letters it is replaced by gestural
and instinctive writings that take inspiration
from the incisive signs and brushstrokes that dominate some of the exhibition's painting.
The Memmo Foundation was founded in 1990 by Roberto Memmo's desire
to give life to a cultural activity aimed at bringing the world of art closer to the general public through the direct knowledge of masterpieces of all times and of the most varied civilizations. Starting from 2012, a new entirely dedicated exhibition program is active to the contemporary art scene.
Spirits and Gestures alludes to several pressing issues: the concerns
that pervade society, climate change and environmental disasters, accompanied by broader reflections on the human condition. Cultural syncretism as a consequence of globalization, together with functioning
and the interactions between integrated power systems, are recurring elements in the Oscar Murillo's research, one of the winners
of the Turner Prize 2019.
The communication system features a typographic system characterized
by a hybrid lettering. The linear and laid-back design of some letters
it is replaced by gestural and instinctive writings that take inspiration
from the incisive signs and brushstrokes that dominate some
of the exhibition's painting.
The Memmo Foundation was founded
in 1990 by Roberto Memmo's desire
to give life to a cultural activity aimed
at bringing the world of art closer
to the general public through the direct knowledge of masterpieces of all times and of the most varied civilizations. Starting from 2012, a new entirely dedicated exhibition program is active to the contemporary art scene.
Spirits and Gestures alludes to several pressing issues: the concerns
that pervade society, climate change and environmental disasters, accompanied by broader reflections
on the human condition. Cultural syncretism as a consequence of globalization, together with functioning
and the interactions between integrated power systems, are recurring elements in the Oscar Murillo's research, one
of the winners of the Turner Prize 2019.
The communication system features a typographic system characterized
by a hybrid lettering. The linear and
laid-back design of some letters
it is replaced by gestural and instinctive writings that take inspiration
from the incisive signs and brushstrokes that dominate some
of the exhibition's painting.
→ 2021 / 2022
→ Project type: Exhibition, identity
→ Client: Fondazione Memmo
→ 2021
→ Project type: Exhibition, identity
→ Client: Fondzione Pastificio Cerere
→ Curated by: Marcello Smarrelli
→ Promoted and supported by: Comune di Pomezia
→ Artists: Agostino Iacurci, ivan
→ Social media contents by: Chiara Ciucci Giuliani
& Roberta Pucci X UC Studio
→ Mural paint photos: Andrea Pizzalis -
Courtesy of Fondazione Pastificio Cerere
& RiGymnasium Fotoarchitetto
→ 2021
→ Project type: Exhibition, identity
→ Client: Fondzione Pastificio Cerere
→ Curated by: Marcello Smarrelli
→ Promoted and supported by: Comune di Pomezia
→ Artists: Agostino Iacurci, ivan
→ Social media contents by: Chiara Ciucci Giuliani & Roberta Pucci X UC Studio
→ Mural paint photos: Andrea Pizzalis - Courtesy
of Fondazione Pastificio Cerere & RiGymnasium Fotoarchitetto
Relatetd Project
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→ Fondazione Pastificio Cerere - I Fuochi di San LorenzoExhibition identity, Print, Environmental
→ Fondazione Memmo - Amalia Pica - QuasiExhibition identity, Print, Environmental
→ Fondazione Pastificio Cerere - NON MI TROVERAIExhibition identity, Print, Environmental
→ Fondazione Pastificio Cerere - SOL INDIGESExhibition identity, Print, Environmental
→ Fondazione Pastificio Cerere - Collezione Di ClasseExhibition, identity
→ La Costituzione più bella del mondoSocial design, Identity
→ Fondazione Pastificio Cerere - Mvaḥ ChāExhibition identity
→ Jupiter DisplayTypography
→ Roman BeautyEditorial / Print
→ Fondazione Pastificio CerereEditorial
→ CakeEditorial
→ Birra Flea / Fruit AlePackaging
→ ObicEditorial
→ Symbola IdentityEditorial / Brand Identity
→ Apsicologa / Sostegno alla vita quotidianaBrand Identity
→ Paluani / L'EdenistaBrand Identity
→ Il Messaggero / Mind the gapEditorial / Brand Identity
→ Zuegg Bio / IdentityOnline soon
→ Società Dante Alighieri / Maratona infernaleEditorial / Brand Identity
→ Bags Consulting / IdentityOnline soon
→ Rai tre / KilimangiaroEditorial / Brand Identity
→ Rai / Promo packBrand Identity / Visual system
→ Quarto dei MilleEnvironmental
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Graphic Design | Typography
& Visual Communication
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© 2019 Giampiero Quaini
Graphic Design &
Visual Communication
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© 2019 Giampiero Quaini
Graphic Design & Visual Communication
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© 2019 Giampiero Quaini
Graphic Design & Visual Communication
© 2019 Giampiero Quaini
Graphic Design & Visual Communication
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