Rai / Visual system promo pack

Rai tre /
Identity Kilimangiaro

Rai / Visual system
promo pack

Italian state broadcaster Rai decides to redesign the visual approach of the promo pack for all its thematic and network channels.
The graphic design uses a single typeface, in various different weights, to unify the communication of all 14 channels.
The institutional colours become a fundamental element of the communication, characterizing each channel and producing
a coordinated, organic visual system.

Italian state broadcaster Rai decides to redesign the visual approach of the promo pack for all its thematic
and  network channels. The graphic design uses a single typeface, in various different weights, to unify
the communication of all 14 channels. The institutional colours become a fundamental element
of the communication, characterizing each channel
and producing a coordinated, organic visual system.

A new graphic layout for one of the Rai 3 channel's longest-running and best-loved programmes. The project sees the restyling
of the brand and the redesign of the programme's entire communication system. Coherent,
clear visual and contemporary narration which
is adopted over all contents: from features
to travel documentaries and from studio interviews to thematic reports.

Italian state broadcaster Rai decides
to redesign the visual approach
of the promo pack for all its thematic and network channels.
The graphic design uses a single typeface, in various different weights,
to unify the communication
of all 14 channels.
The institutional colours become
a fundamental element of the communication, characterizing
each channel and producing
a coordinated, organic visual system.

Graphic Design & Art Direction:
Giampiero Quaini as Head of Design at Marimo
Year: 2015
Project type: Brand Identity, Visual system

Motion Graphics by: Gianluca Abbate


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© 2022 Giampiero Quaini 
Graphic Design | Typography
& Visual Communication
Colophon - Privacy and Cookies

© 2019 Giampiero Quaini 
Graphic Design &
Visual Communication
Colophon - Privacy and Cookies

© 2019 Giampiero Quaini 
Graphic Design & Visual Communication
Colophon - Privacy and Cookies

© 2019 Giampiero Quaini 
Graphic Design & Visual Communication

© 2019 Giampiero Quaini 
Graphic Design & Visual Communication