Fondazione Pastificio Cerere
Namsal Siedlecki → Mvaḥ Chā

Fondazione Pastificio Cerere
Namsal Siedlecki
→ Mvaḥ Chā

Mvaḥ Chā is a personal exhibition of Namsal Siedlecki, curated by Marcello Smarrelli at the Fondazione Pastificio Cerere in Rome. The main focus of the exhibition is made up of five bronze sculptures, titled Mvaḥ Chā (Chrysalis), realized by the artist in 2019 during the various residency periods in Kathmandu, where he had the opportunity to experiment
and elaborate on the Nepalese lost-wax method in some of the most relevant local foundries.
The graphic approach aims to evoke Nepalese iconography through color and typography while at the same time showcasing the artist's work through modulated abstract shapes capable of fitting across the various comunication supports.

Mvaḥ Chā is a personal exhibition of Namsal Siedlecki, curated by Marcello Smarrelli at the Fondazione Pastificio Cerere in Rome. The main focus of the exhibition
is made up of five bronze sculptures, titled Mvaḥ Chā (Chrysalis), realized by the artist in 2019 during
the various residency periods in Kathmandu,
where he had the opportunity to experiment
and elaborate on the Nepalese lost-wax method
in some of the most relevant local foundries.
The graphic approach aims to evoke Nepalese iconography through color and typography while at the same time showcasing the artist's work through modulated abstract shapes capable of fitting across the various
comunication supports.

Mvaḥ Chā is a personal exhibition of Namsal Siedlecki, curated by Marcello Smarrelli at the Fondazione Pastificio Cerere in Rome. The main focus of the exhibition is made up of five bronze sculptures, titled Mvaḥ Chā (Chrysalis), realized by the artist in 2019 during the various residency periods in Kathmandu, where he had the opportunity to experiment
and elaborate on the Nepalese lost-wax method in some of the most relevant local foundries.
The graphic approach aims to evoke Nepalese iconography through color and typography while at the same time showcasing the artist's work through modulated abstract shapes capable of fitting across the various comunication supports.

Mvaḥ Chā is a personal exhibition of Namsal Siedlecki, curated by Marcello Smarrelli at the Fondazione Pastificio Cerere in Rome. The main focus of the exhibition is made up of five bronze sculptures, titled Mvaḥ Chā (Chrysalis), realized by the artist in 2019 during the various residency periods
in Kathmandu, where he had the opportunity to experiment
and elaborate on the Nepalese lost-wax method in some of the most relevant local foundries. The graphic approach aims to evoke Nepalese iconography through color and typography while at the same time showcasing the artist's work through modulated abstract shapes capable of fitting across the various comunication supports.

Mvaḥ Chā is a personal exhibition of Namsal Siedlecki, curated by Marcello Smarrelli at the Fondazione Pastificio Cerere in Rome. The main focus of the exhibition is made up of five bronze sculptures, titled Mvaḥ Chā (Chrysalis), realized by the artist in 2019 during the various residency periods
in Kathmandu, where he had the opportunity to experiment and elaborate on the Nepalese lost-wax method in some of the most relevant local foundries.
The graphic approach aims to evoke Nepalese iconography through color and typography while at the same time showcasing the artist's work through modulated abstract shapes capable
of fitting across the various comunication supports.

→ 2020
→ Project type: Exhibition, identity
→ Client: Fondzione Pastificio Cerere
→ Supported by: Italian Council (6th Edition, 2019)
by the Directorate-General for Contemporary Creativity
of the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage
and Activities and Tourism
→ Exhibition photos: Namsal Siedlecki, Mvaḥ Chā, 2020.
View of the exhibition curated by Marcello Smarrelli,
Courtesy Fondazione Pastificio Cerere and the artist.
Photo Andrea Veneri

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Namsal Siedlecki, Mvaḥ Chā, 2020. View of the exhibition curated by Marcello Smarrelli, Courtesy Fondazione Pastificio Cerere and the artist. Photo Andrea Veneri_5
Namsal Siedlecki, Mvaḥ Chā, 2020. View of the exhibition curated by Marcello Smarrelli, Courtesy Fondazione Pastificio Cerere and the artist. Photo Andrea Veneri_
Namsal Siedlecki, Mvaḥ Chā, 2020. View of the exhibition curated by Marcello Smarrelli, Courtesy Fondazione Pastificio Cerere and the artist. Photo Andrea Veneri_2
Namsal Siedlecki, Mvaḥ Chā, 2020. View of the exhibition curated by Marcello Smarrelli, Courtesy Fondazione Pastificio Cerere and the artist. Photo Andrea Veneri_3
Namsal Siedlecki, Mvaḥ Chā, 2020. View of the exhibition curated by Marcello Smarrelli, Courtesy Fondazione Pastificio Cerere and the artist. Photo Andrea Veneri_4

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© 2022 Giampiero Quaini 
Graphic Design | Typography
& Visual Communication
Colophon - Privacy and Cookies

© 2019 Giampiero Quaini 
Graphic Design &
Visual Communication
Colophon - Privacy and Cookies

© 2019 Giampiero Quaini 
Graphic Design & Visual Communication
Colophon - Privacy and Cookies

© 2019 Giampiero Quaini 
Graphic Design & Visual Communication

© 2019 Giampiero Quaini 
Graphic Design & Visual Communication