La Costituzione
più bella del mondo
"La Costituzione più bella del mondo" is an ongoing non-profit project realised
and managed by marimo brandlife designers. The project's aim is to create
a visual representation of the constitutional principles and articles contained
in the Italian Constitutional Charter.
Taking as its starting point an idea by Paola Manfroni, CCO and co-founder
of marimo brandlife designers, together with Federica Micale, education
and wellbeing developmental psychologist and founder of Apsicologa,
we designed a series of symbols based on the first 12 articles of the constitution,
each of which was visually translated using a concise iconic language that aims
to communicate their message and social meaning.
Check out the entire project on →
"La Costituzione più bella del mondo" is an ongoing
non-profit project realised and managed by marimo brandlife designers. The project's aim is to create a visual representation of the constitutional principles
and articles contained in the Italian Constitutional Charter.
Taking as its starting point an idea by Paola Manfroni,
CCO and co-founder of marimo brandlife designers, together with Federica Micale, education and wellbeing
developmental psychologist and founder of Apsicologa,
we designed a series of symbols based on the first 12 articles of the constitution, each of which was visually translated using a concise iconic language that aims
to communicate their message and social meaning.
Check out the entire project on →
"La Costituzione più bella del mondo"
is an ongoing non-profit project realised
and managed by marimo brandlife designers.
The project's aim is to create a visual representation of the constitutional principles
and articles contained in the Italian
Constitutional Charter.
Taking as its starting point an idea
by Paola Manfroni, CCO and co-founder
of marimo brandlife designers, together
with Federica Micale, education and wellbeing
developmental psychologist and founder
of Apsicologa, we designed a series
of symbols based on the first 12 articles
of the constitution, each of which
was visually translated using a concise
iconic language that aims to communicate
their message and social meaning.
Check out the entire project on →
"La Costituzione più bella del mondo" is an ongoing non-profit project
realised and managed by marimo brandlife designers.
The project's aim is to create a visual representation of the constitutional principles and articles contained in the Italian Constitutional Charter.
Taking as its starting point an idea by Paola Manfroni, CCO and co-founder
of marimo brandlife designers, together with Federica Micale, education
and wellbeing developmental psychologist and founder of Apsicologa, we designed a series of symbols based on the first 12 articles
of the constitution, each of which was visually translated using
a concise iconic language that aims to communicate their message
and social meaning.
Check out the entire project on →
"La Costituzione più bella del mondo"
is an ongoing non-profit project
realised and managed by marimo brandlife designers.
The project's aim is to create a visual representation of the constitutional principles and articles contained
in the Italian Constitutional Charter.
Taking as its starting point an idea
by Paola Manfroni, CCO and co-founder of marimo brandlife designers, together with Federica Micale, education
and wellbeing developmental psychologist and founder of Apsicologa, we designed a series of symbols
based on the first 12 articles
of the constitution, each of which
was visually translated using
a concise iconic language that aims
to communicate their message
and social meaning.
Check out the entire project
on →
→ 2019
→ Project type: Social Design, Identity, Editorial
→ Client: marimo brandlife designers
→ Website coding and digital experience: studiobrillante
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→ Jupiter DisplayTypography
→ Roman BeautyEditorial / Print
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→ CakeEditorial
→ Birra Flea / Fruit AlePackaging
→ ObicEditorial
→ Symbola IdentityEditorial / Brand Identity
→ Apsicologa / Sostegno alla vita quotidianaBrand Identity
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→ Rai tre / KilimangiaroEditorial / Brand Identity
→ Rai / Promo packBrand Identity / Visual system
→ Quarto dei MilleEnvironmental
© 2022 Giampiero Quaini
Graphic Design | Typography
& Visual Communication
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© 2019 Giampiero Quaini
Graphic Design &
Visual Communication
Colophon - Privacy and Cookies
© 2019 Giampiero Quaini
Graphic Design & Visual Communication
Colophon - Privacy and Cookies
© 2019 Giampiero Quaini
Graphic Design & Visual Communication
© 2019 Giampiero Quaini
Graphic Design & Visual Communication
+39 3934379906
+39 3934379906
+39 3934379906
+39 3934379906